Categories for News
Dialling down the rhetoric around Relationships and Sex Education
Skills and Education Group releases 2021/22 Impact Report
Nottingham College staff celebrate successful completion of Stepping On programme
On Tuesday 3 January 2023, staff at Nottingham College celebrated their completion of Stepping On – the college’s equivalent of the Skills and Education Group’s Emerging Leaders programme. Emerging Leaders is a leadership... [Read More]
Diversity mentoring programme empowers participants to make positive changes
The pilot cohort of the Skills and Education Group’s diversity mentoring programme has received excellent feedback from participants. On Thursday 8 December 2022, mentors and mentees on the programme came to Robins Wood House for a... [Read More]
Areeba aims to inspire others following Intermediate Apprentice of the Year award win
Areeba Kainat, Trainee Customer Support Officer at the Skills and Education Group, is aiming to inspire many people following her success at the Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards 2022. Areeba received the Intermediate Apprentice of... [Read More]
Skills and Education Group and WorldSkills UK form partnership to drive forward equity, diversity and inclusion
The Skills and Education Group and WorldSkills UK have formed a new partnership to advance their shared agenda on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). The organisations have a mutual ambition to raise the bar and widen the gate for... [Read More]
Skills and Education Group’s Areeba hoping for success at upcoming Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards
The Skills and Education Group team are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards, at which our staff member Areeba Kainat is one of the finalists. Areeba is on the shortlist for the Intermediate Apprentice... [Read More]
Skills and Education Group wins Collaboration of the Year Award for work to prevent labour exploitation
The Skills and Education Group has won the Collaboration of the Year Award at the FAB 2022 Awards hosted by the Federation of Awarding Bodies. The Group received the award for its work to prevent labour exploitation in collaboration... [Read More]
WEA Awards 2022 celebrate life-changing impact of adult learning
The winners of the WEA Awards 2022, hosted by the Workers’ Educational Association, have been announced at a parliamentary reception at the House of Lords on 19 October 2022. The annual awards celebrate the achievements of inspiring... [Read More]