We know how important it is to collaborate to achieve improved outcomes and the negative impacts of isolated working. We have all missed the added quality of interaction facilitated by regular face-to-face meetings. Those in positions...
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Welcome to the newly badged Action for Diversity and Inclusion Network, which is a combination of our longstanding LGBTQ+ and EDI Networks. The new Network continues to promote social inclusion and oppose all forms of...
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We know that peer observations have the potential to transform teaching, learning and assessment; however, how do we ensure that teachers have the confidence and skills to conduct powerful professional conversations which have positive...
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We have much to be proud of in the sector in the way that colleges and other post-16 providers have rallied and continue to provide high quality learning experiences for the communities we serve, despite challenging circumstances. ...
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We are pleased to advise you that a meeting of the Additional Learning Support Network has been added to our programme of events for the spring term. This popular networking event provides an opportunity for ALS specialists from...
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Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of staff and students is key in all our organisations. No one wants to be busy re-inventing wheels, and this session is a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues in similar roles, to...
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Our autumn term meeting of this regular network will offer an opportunity for all those who are involved in post-compulsory teacher training and education a chance to come together to discuss key drivers in the sector. We are delighted...
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Our Advanced Practitioner Network is for all those who are involved in supporting and training educators in the further education and skills sector to improve their practice. Spring and summer meetings earlier this year have focused on...
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At a Skills and Education meeting in June which featured Ofsted presentations by two inspectors, participants were assured that the next phase in Ofsted inspections will continue to be sensitive, proportionate and practical in approach....
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How to support the mental health and wellbeing of staff and students is key in all our organisations. We are delighted to offer an enhanced opportunity for staff to network and develop good practice in wellbeing initiatives. The focus...
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